Rizal Philippines | September 15 2014
From UAP Seafood and aquaculture exports
Philippines exported a total of $1.426 million worth of seafood products and most of these were from processed tuna worth $632.00
Despite being an archipelago and with large EEZ and coastline, ponds and brackish waters, the fisheries sector of the Philippines underperforms and fisherfolks are among the poorest in the country?
Why is this so?
From UAP report:
In 2013, the Philippines exported only $1,426 million worth of various fishery products, a large part of which were tuna products from fish caught outside the Philippine waters. This was higher than Malaysia’s $777M, but far lower than Indonesia’s $3,894M, Vietnam’s $5,297M, and Thailand’s $6,865M. On export intensity, the record showed an export of $39,000 per kilometer of coastline for the Philippines, $71,000 per km for Indonesia, $166,000 for Malaysia, $1.2M for Thailand, and $1.5M for Vietnam! This meant Philippine export productivity was barely half that of Indonesia, a fourth that of Vietnam’s, and 1/30 that of Thailand (UN Trademap).
The Philippines tails all ASEAN peer countries in exports of molluscs (squid, octopus, scallops, mussels and snails): it earned $40M versus top-ranked Vietnam’s $487M. It is second to last in fish exports (live, fresh, frozen and cured) at $292M versus Thailand’s $666M, not to mention the world’s leading catfish exporter Vietnam at $2,306M.
The Philippines’ best performance is in processed tuna ($632M), but it is still far second to Thailand’s $3,347M.
Philippine shrimp exports reached $208M in 2013, lower than all the peer countries such as Malaysia’s $355M and Vietnam’s $1,404M.
It is in seaweed-based exports that the Philippines leads. In 2013, it exported $34M of dried seaweed while Indonesia had $90M. With respect to processed seaweed (carrageenan), the former exported $195M and the latter, $35M.
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