Food security definition

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Food waste and food shortage - Facts and Figures

"Food for every ones table and every homes"

Rizal Philippines
December 25, 2015.

Image result for Global food waste and hunger

                                       Global Food Waste and Hunger

We should be equally concerned about food production, and abatement of losses of food crops due to bad weather.  Huge losses of food are incurred every time there is a powerful typhoon.  Many crops were destroyed during typhoon Lando.  Rice to be harvested were spoiled by floods.  Vegies were destroyed in Baguio hence the skyrocketing of vegie prices.  And now the destructive Typhoon Nona.  Most of the losses reported were from agri.

The least we can do is reduce losses from food waste:   from the farm (post harvest facilities) where about 30 to 40% of the harvest is lost, in transport, in storage, at the store (from improper temperature, from pests and handling) and at the consumer (in the house/kitchen and restaurant.
Much can be done to reduce wastage and help avert hunger and poverty (and global climate change too. Rotting food, about 1.3 billion annually gigantic amount of methane gas that contribute to climate change.

                                       Pity the hungry little children;  it is our mandate to take care of them