Food security definition

Friday, September 12, 2014

Food shortage and famine in Africa

More food is our security and future

From missionaries of Africa

From UN - warns of possible famine in Central African Republic;  needs more donors

Remember the "We are the World" song by Lionel Richie et al?  They were meant to raise money to buy food for Africa whose children are dying of malnutrition. Hence we became familiar with the word kwashiorkor.

More than ever, aside from Ebola and civil disorder, famine is an ever growing threat in Africa.  Lately, despite the bounty earned by Somalian pirates, there is famine in that country.  There is an estimate that about 200,000 children have died from malnutrition in that country.  There are millions more who are affected

What is our response?  What is FAO doing to increase food production in those countries or even the government?

Donations can help why not, but achieving long term self sufficiency in food must be worked out hard and fast

Millions have died from malnutrition in Africa (especially the sub Saharan desert countries)  Here are the quoted stats:

From Daily Maverick - Stats on famine and starvation in Africa
  • 12 People said to die ‘of hunger’ every minute in Africa
  • 6.7m People said to die ‘of hunger’ every year in Africa
  • 396,011 People who died due to malnutrition in 2011, according to the WHO
This is alarming;  12 people dying every minute due to hunger?

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