Food security definition

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Making deserts bloom - a feat by Jews at Negev desert

"Food for every ones table and every homes"

From CBN news

Rizal  Philippines  | September 18, 2014

As in US, about 500 families supply 60% of the food requirements of Jews, and exports 10% of the flowers for export market.  The Jews employing the latest in agricultural technology:  irrigation, use of greenhouses have been able to make deserts produce crops.   This  underlies the commitment to food security.

The area of the farm gets only 1 inch of rainfall a year and this is used to the advantage Arava desert farmers.

There are side effects also as water contamination from use of pesticides.

If a desert can be made productive, so much more with arable land,

We can make most of lands in the Philippines productive.

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