Food security definition

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Singpore's plan to build farm of the future

"Food for every ones table and every homes"

So that it reduces dependence on food imports.    Land is however scarce.  Farm land is only 1% of total land

Urban farming in vacant lots in Quezon City in support of food security

"Food for every ones table and every homes"

It started in QC, in 2010 by now Mayor Joy.  

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Data on cultivated land in the Philippines

"Food for every ones table and every homes"

It is only 12,000 thousand hectares, of the estimated 40,000 thousand hectares arable land. or only 18,75%.  Less than 1/5 of total arable land!!   What happens to the rest of 80%  (4/5)  (Thats 12 million and 40 million hectares)

Much is still to be done regarding the cultivation of the rest of arable land.  What is happening to the large DA budget?  What is happening to talks about developing our agriculture?

And yet people are complaining about the land conversion    Only roughly 20% of the arable land in the Philippines has been cultivated.

Martha Jean Sanchez[](

In 2018, the total land area used for agricultural crop cultivation in the Philippines was around 13.5 million hectares. In the previous year, the real gross domestic product growth of the agriculture sector was 3.9 percent.

From one propertee

How kotong can disrupt food security...

"Food for every ones table and every homes"

The supply chain for food can be disrupted by Kotong along the routes of vegetable and food delivery.  Traders add up the cost of Kotong for their merchandise.  Or some simply give up on making the trip to MM to deliver the food supply.

Like during the pandemic, conflicting orders on who could go, pass through disrupted food delivery to MM, resulting on limited or sometimes 0 delivery.  How could we have done this?   To cause hunger on our own people  

Rather than focus on Pogo which the police should take care of (unless they can be trusted to do their job, but when they are on the payroll of Pogs?)

They are supposed to serve and protect, not mulct and disrupt...?   Pres PNP chief, ano po ba?

Will there be a global food crisis?

"Food for every ones table and every homes" Pray not Climkat change could be the disruptor. What can we do to stop avert the crisis? Even in a small way? 1. Planting in your backyard; 2. Avoid food waste in food preparation and storage 3. Spread awarness. It is hoped this blog is read. It is not. though

Friday, July 19, 2024

Sounding alarm - World Food Crisis

"Food for every ones table and every homes"

Comes from:

1.  War in Ukraine  -  supplier of wheat
2.   Price of fertilizer and 
3.  Extreme weather
4.  Panic from shortage
5.  Covid pandemic (caused unemployment and poverty)

Do not waste your food

"Food for every ones table and every homes"
If taste of food is not nice, think of people who have nothing to eat. One dies every 5 seconds all over the world.

Yet food wastage is estimated to be 30% of total food production:

1.  At post harvest
2.   Storage
3.  Processing
4.  End user


We are the world video - USA for Africa made by US artists to address famine in Africa

"Food for every ones table and every homes"

Made by US artists for the benefit of hungry people in Africa.  Composed by Michael Jackson.  What changes have this song wrought?   It is 35 years old.

Thank you US artists for this awakening.  

9 million people die a year from hunger - that is 25,000 per day!

"Food for every ones table and every homes"

Is this not absurd, pitiful?  What can you, we do?
Starvation amidst prosperity....

Food shortage, need for food security is urgent and need action now

"Food for every ones table and every homes"

WFPUSA - countries suffering from food shortage

There are 10 countries who are experiencing food shortage and are on the verge of famine.  

Some of them:

    1.  Syria
    2.  Afghanistan
    3.   Haiti
    4.  Somalia
    5.   Yemen
    6.  Sudan
    7.  South Sudan

We hope your country is not one of them.   These can be alleviated by food donations but is not sustainable.  Agriculture in each of the countries must be developed.

We are fortunate that in the Philippines, there are not extreme conditions:   soil is fertile, grass, anything grows on the soil, there is constant rain.  We are blessed and we have just to work harder to make agriculture be made more productive

DA aims for year long P29.00/kg rice for the limitd sector of society , P40 -P45 /kg rice to general public via importation

"Food for every ones table and every homes"

DA aims to make available to general public affordable rice.

Expansion from 10 Kadiwa stores to more outlets of P29.00/kg rice to pwd, seniors, 4Ps beneficiaries, and solo parents

And via importation, P40 - 45/kg rice for general public

This is artificial, and subsidized   We taxpayers shoulder the cost of this program.  It is not real cost reduction and boost in agricultural productivity.    

The govt officials just want to placate the public, general populace, just like in the Roman empire.  

How can we really boost productivity.

P29 /kg rice available to limited sector only - pwd, seniors, beneficiaries for 4ps at Kadiwa stores

"Food for every ones table and every homes"

In order to succeed, one must keep his word.   Palabra de Honor

The Pres. probably ordered Kadiwa through DA to sell such rice to limited sector of society at only P29.00/kg to limited sector of society:   PWD, Seniors and 4ps beneficiary.

This is probably subsidized by DA budget, and artificial?  Not sustainable

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Reality of Food Shortage in the Philippines (as is anywhere in the world)

"Food for every ones table and every homes"

Chicken a la Carte -  " Pagpag"

Hunger is a reality in the country as is anywhere in the world.   Hunger and famine strikes poor countries in Africa and somewhere in Asia.  It may even afflict China.

We have to do something fast about this.      

Ronald Mascirnas of Bounty Ventures Inc (Chooks to Go) retires

"Food for every ones table and every homes" What is his role in securing food security in the Philippines? Can everybody ape Ronald? He used to consult my uncle who runs food companies in Rizal. He is much2 biigger than my uncles business.