Food security definition

Thursday, June 27, 2024

How the Green Revolution by Norman Borlaug saved the world from hunger and poverty

"Food for every ones table and every homes"

The wildly successful efforts of  Norman Borlaug to increase land and crop productivity in the 1970s now known as Green Revolution won him a Nobel Prize.   And helped saved the world from hunger and starvation     To be credited with same efforts is that of IRRI in the Philippines with creation of high yield pest and flood resistant rice variety.  Borlaug worked with wheat.  He worked with farmers of Mexico, Pakistan and India 

Thanks to them

Not too many people are interested in food security

"Food for every ones table and every homes"

It could be a big issue in years to come, as we see increasing food prices.  It is an index of the supply situation

Let us work together and be conscious of food security.  We need to feed our families and progeny in the years to come

Global food security - discussion and analysis

"Food for every ones table and every homes"

Food security explained further by a foreigner

"Food for every ones table and every homes"

Does housing development imperil food security

"Food for every ones table and every homes"

Many people conclude and think so.  Hence the good lady senator and her family who is  top housing developer are being bashed for turning farms into housing.  

We do need housing for our increasing population and must be addressed.  There are farmlands  that are no longer productive or arable?     And also, of the available arable lands that are arable only a small portion  is being cultivated

The people at DAR are in a tight balancing act when converting lands from agricultural   It is hard to get a conversion mind you.  So many requirements and it takes time.   Just try

One way of ensuring food security - reducing food waste

"Food for every ones table and every homes" Sources say food waste is as much as 30%. In harvesting, post harvest facility, and our consumption. How to stop this?

Monday, June 24, 2024

SL 8 high yield rice variety/seeds

"Food for every ones table and every homes" The family of the friend of fmr Pres Erap invesnted hundreds of millions to discover this. Could have helped and solved rice iportation. But curbed by his successor. Instead is being sold to countries exporting rice to PHL. How absurd....

Urban gardening - can this help ensure food security?

"Food for every ones table and every homes" Let us try this. To ease onion shortage in the future. Its easy to do. It even helps solve garbage problem.

Is it realistic to expect P20/kg rice?

"Food for every ones table and every homes" It could have been a gimmickry just to win the Presidential election? What is being done to make this possible? Not yet possible?

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Using Advanced AI in agriculture and farming

"Food for every ones table and every homes"

Can AI help in food security?
AI can help in irrigation, and do robotic work, doing away with human labor.

It is not a good idea to go to war with China    We should benchmark how they do do this   ?

Can DA use AI to help agricultural sector improve productivity and food security?

Does it collect data on:

     1.  Demand, supply through out the country?  Does it employ data analytics

     2.  So that AI can generate predictions regarding   

     3.  Does it have comprehensive data on soil fertilization, technology, and solution  (plant

Does organic farming increase agricultural productivity

"Food for every ones table and every homes"

The fad now is for organic farming.  However outputs from organic farming is very low.  Inputs are very expensive, and so with the selling price.

What is worse is that we cant believe self serving claims that their produce is organic.

I know of two organic farmers:  one was a batchmate in elementary with farm in Jalajala, and the other batchmate in College with farm in Calamba City.   They are both selling their farms.

What do you think?  Would you go into organic farming?
Is it recommended for Philippines?


Lost opportunity to increase food production

"Food for every ones table and every homes"

We lost the chances:

1.  Henry's Merit group that discovered at the cost of P500 million of family fortune of the SL 8 rice variety that yielded 300 cavans of rice per hectare, much higher than the vaunted Masagana 99.

2.  This post came across the high yield corn variety produced by a multinational based in South Cotabato.
The claimed yield was 16 metric tons per hectare.

These reported discoveries and innovation could easily have upped our agricultural productivity.  A credit facility in the country or even those that are in rice producing provinces could have easily upped agricultural productivity.  This post supposed that these discoveries did not gain traction because there was no DWIFM for people running the show   The SL 8 rice varieties distribution to farmers was discontinued after the new President took charge.  

As for the corn.  Maybe because it was from a multinational well known for GMO....

What is the choice healthy option first or agricultural productivity.  For an LDC to act like a well developed country....

Update on food security. Reposted

"Food for every ones table and every homes" It is more fun criticizing

Food security in the Philippines

We think the govt is strict about food security.   We are a developer and they are very slow on acting 
on land conversion.

More can be done regarding food security:

1.   Supply and demand projection, and planting and production schedules

2.  Tariff protection

3.  Improvement of infrastructures:   and inputs:

    1.  fertilizer and seeds
    2.  Fingerlings, piglets, and cattle
    3.  Strengthening what exists and making them work
    4.  Cold storage
    5.  Solar pumps
    6   Post harvest facilities
    7.  Supply chain
    8.  MBA in Agri courses

4.  Scientific farming:

   1.  Greenhouses, with irrigation
   2.  High value added crops
   3.  Hydrophonics and drip

5,  Corporate farming

It is good that some big companies like MVP group are paying attention to food security.   However their is with high value coco products:   MCTs and buko juice.

Finally Jollibee Food Corporation chicken plant made profit

The CP farms of Thailand have been doing good in the Philippines

6.  Adoption of new technologyies

    Substitute for rice