Food security definition

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Lost opportunity to increase food production

"Food for every ones table and every homes"

We lost the chances:

1.  Henry's Merit group that discovered at the cost of P500 million of family fortune of the SL 8 rice variety that yielded 300 cavans of rice per hectare, much higher than the vaunted Masagana 99.

2.  This post came across the high yield corn variety produced by a multinational based in South Cotabato.
The claimed yield was 16 metric tons per hectare.

These reported discoveries and innovation could easily have upped our agricultural productivity.  A credit facility in the country or even those that are in rice producing provinces could have easily upped agricultural productivity.  This post supposed that these discoveries did not gain traction because there was no DWIFM for people running the show   The SL 8 rice varieties distribution to farmers was discontinued after the new President took charge.  

As for the corn.  Maybe because it was from a multinational well known for GMO....

What is the choice healthy option first or agricultural productivity.  For an LDC to act like a well developed country....

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