Food security definition

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Low cattle population in the PHL compared with total PHL population

"Food for every ones table and every homes"

Rizal Philippines
March 23, 2016

The total cattle population in the PHL (not updated ) show this to be on a decline and only about 2/100 of the total population

Index Mudi

As of 2015, according to the Phil Stats Authority

The total cattle inventory in the country as of July 1, 2015 was 2.54 million heads. This was 0.82 percent higher than last year's record of 2.52 million heads. Of the total inventory, about 2.38 million heads or 93.44 percent were raised in backyard farms. The remaining 6.56 percent or about 0.16 million head were raised in commercial farms.

The backyard cattle production outstrips the commercial production.  The current farm gate prices (about a P100) and retail prices of P250.00 seem to be the current numbers.

My uncle is right in his opportunity scanning

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