Food security definition

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Your food security is your concern

"Food for every ones table and every homes"

Rizal Philippines
March 24, 2016


From NY times - self reliance

Food security is every body's concern.  In an event of a war, catastrophe, typhoon, earthquake, you must be able to survive the catastrophe for at least a week;  therefore you must be ready:

1.  Have a store of bottled water, candies, sugar, biscuits and canned goods.

2.  Plant camote for its tops, malunggay, and other vegies which can be source of your food and nutrition. Even if you live in urban jungle, you can plant in pots, empty cans and basin.

In an event of catastrophe, your credit card and cash cant do you a thing.  They are useless.  In most probability, the markets have been looted dry of goods.    Better still, if you can invest in livestock and vegie farms.

The ants are better than most of us in food security preparation.  Go to the survivalist site and learn more from them

"For the next several minutes, Douglas talked about emergency preparedness, sustainable living and financial security — what he called the three pillars of self-reliance. He detailed the importance of solar panels, gardens, water storage and food stockpiles. People shouldn’t just have 72-hour emergency kits for when the power grid goes down; they should learn how to live on their own. It’s a message that Douglas is trying to move from the fringe to the mainstream."

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