Food security definition

Saturday, April 16, 2016

More notes on food security from a contractor whose parents are bakeros

"Food for every ones table and every homes"

Rizal Philippines
April 16, 2016

I conversed with a contractor from an island province in Mimaropa and we had interesting conversation at a buffet resto in Atrium of Megamall on food security and food production:

1.  Many farmers who are into citrus are converting to rice farming;

2. For citrus farming, you can raise sheep (where do you get them.  Can may uncle sell him sheep)

3.  He tried to learn about chicken and cattle raising but was never successful.  He makes more money on construction

4.  He discussed the new way of marketing tilapia which are in aquarium and delivered in tanks (done all ready in Bulacan and Pampanga)  It seems to very popular.  Like in seafood restaurants where you select your catch and have it cooked.   You  get fresh tilapia from aquarium tanks.

5.  He is trying to convince his children to engage in food production and food production.  Food security is now a major concern of the world, what with growing population and El Nino. For meat processing, you need mostly slicers.

6.  He lost two Bower goats which he bought for his father in law because he did not know the unique needs of the imported breed.

7.  For eggs, because of the high cost of feed, it is better to buy them from Batangas wholesale, cheap than have them in MIndoro.

8.  The Chinese farmers who dominate Mindoro poultry have their own feed mill and control corn supply from Occ. Min.

9.  He nearly married into the family of the mayor of Padre Garcia Bat. which is now the cattle trading capital of the Philippines.

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