Food security definition

Saturday, April 16, 2016

My uncle bought a USA catch and he shared this with all of us; may daughter pitied the deer

"Food for every ones table and every homes"

Rizal Philippines
April 17, 2016

                                       The deer meat being skinned by Larry; an expert butcher

In our visit to to the cattle farm of my uncle, one of the cow hands went on a hunting trip the night before until noon yesterday and they bagged a deer (reminds us of Habakuk) The deer after dressing weighed 14 kgs.  The hunter sold to my uncle the whole deer for P300 per kilo.  He bought this and will pay on Tuesday (P4,200). He told me that he was nakikisama because the hunter would not find a buyer at that place (near Sta Ines -  it s remote area:   no water electricity and the only way to get there is by horse, motorcycle and 4 x4.   There were two river crossing

My uncle shared the whole USA (deer) with his driver, a butcher who work for a councilor of the town, me,  and pamangkin who is over all in charge of his cattle farm.  This morning, he texted me that he shared the the leg and spare ribs with his brother in law

Some questions:

1.  May deer (usa) until now?

2.  Is the deer not an endangered species?

3.  Are the hunters and their guns licensed?

4. Should may uncle have bought the deer or not?

                                  His knives was sharp and was able to skin and divide the carcass into
                                           proper division in 5 minutes

                                    For spare ribs, Larry got 1/2 of this, the other half went to my uncle

                                    What can be done to the skin?  My daughters pitied the poor deer

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